Author Archives: Tyler Pubben
Deploying An Existing Django Application to AWS Ubuntu with Apache
Django is an excellent web framework that allows for excellent integration of geospatial data with other database functionality. The built-in development server is excellent during the development phase and is exceptionally easy to configure, but cannot handle concurrent connections and therefore cannot be used in a production environment. Apache is one of the most commonly […]
Troubleshooting “django-admin is not recognized”
When developing a Django application, one of the first steps is to run the django-admin startproject command from the terminal window. In a Windows environment this can lead to the following error: ‘django-admin’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. To fix this, first close the terminal […]
Building Plugin Framework for QGIS 3.x
Part 1 Understanding and creating a new plugin framework QGIS 3.0 can be extended with a wide range of functionality using plugins. While there are thousands of plugins available in the Plugin manager, it is often necessary or advantageous to create your own plugins to automate common tasks or add extra functionality to a workflow. […]
Using PyCharm as an IDE for QGIS 3 plugin development
Developing plugins and other Python scripts can be a daunting task for the uninitiated. Using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like PyCharm can help keep everything in one place and even integrates version control systems like Git. Unfortunately, unlike ArcPy you can’t just set the interpreter to the included Python 3.7 installation for QGIS and […]
Adding Mapbox Tiles to QGIS 3.4
Mapbox has an excellent tiling service that has both a ton of basemaps and an easy-to-use mapping system for web applications. It is possible to use their tiles in QGIS as a basemap. The steps are relatively simple and will be covered below. Create a Mapbox account by going to Login in and create […]
Adding basemaps to QGIS project
Web based basemaps can provide an excellent context for a mapping project. Map services such as OpenStreetMap and Bing provide tile services that can be used to fill in details such as topography, road networks, hydrography and satellite imagery for a map without having to provide your own set of base features. Quick note on […]
Creating user groups in PostgreSQL
In larger work environments it becomes essential to be able to assign similar permissions to groups of people for the database environment. PostgreSQL has a built in authentication system that easily allows for this. As with the rest of this documentation, this section assumes a PostgreSQL installation on a Debian based Linux distribution. We use […]
Logging in to PostgreSQL database on Linux terminal
This section assumes command line access to the PostgreSQL server from a terminal window. The server used in this section is running Ubuntu Linux 18.10. To Log into your user account in the database: psql -U <postgre username> -d <dbname> Logging in to root PostgreSQL user account If you are the database administrator and need […]
Changing user access permissions on PostgreSQL schemas
This section assumes command line access to the PostgreSQL server from a terminal window. The server used in this section is running Ubuntu Linux 18.10. Once logged into the terminal either locally or over SSH, log in as the root database user “postgres” by typing: sudo -i -u postgres Or if you don’t have access […]